23 June 2013

Knitting with beads

I really enjoyed this project.  I decided on a small drink holder for my friend LM.  She loves beads.  Although the color does not match, it was what i had that were glass and not plastic.  
Glass beads stand up to all the washing that the item will go through.   Plastic beads will loose there color and fade and even break off with time & usage.
I really enjoyed this.  I used the "yarn in front,  slip stitch, pull bead up from PRE-STRUNG beads, place in front of slipped stitch,  then knit the next stitch. "
This has the cleanest look. 

01 March 2013

The SEED stitch

I really enjoy experimenting with stitches.  How they originally look, then seeing how far I can "manipulate" it and still keep it the original stitch.
This one.... Not to many variations (just 3 so far)

23 October 2012

Heelix knit toe / slip stitch cables

spiral toe "heelix knit" for me was very confusing.  It took me 6 tries to get it looking good.  It also took me that long to "comprehend" what I was doing.

Totally not worth it, but I am glad I learned a new skill!

Corrugated ribbed hat

I did it!  I thought I made up something new, with the alternating colors on a rib stitch, only to find out it has a freekin name "corrugated rib". 
Ooh well, I think it turned out sweet.

15 July 2012

Eye of partridge: Modified stitch

Modified "Eye of Partridge" stitch... specifics below.

Modified Eye of Partridge stitch
to create elongated slip stitch.

R4:  P S P S P S P S 
R3:  P K P  K P  K P K  
R2:  P S P S P S P S 
R1:  P  K P K K P K 
The highlighed yellow columns are the elongated slipped stitches.
Using the PURL stitch instead Knit stitch, really brings out the elongated stitch.  If there is a "proper" stitch name for this please advise. ( I would like to know)

again using the modified stitch

05 July 2012


The pattern is ready and its FREE if you cannot access the
Link to my AweMe Design page. , I will email the PDF to you.
This is the IDEA drawing
Please, if you see a flaw or error let me know.
This was my first one. 
Thanks and enjoy. Ämy
If you make it, Please take photos to share. 

As you can see this is how the drawing looked graphted out on paper.
 (FYI-lots of white-out should be kept close by)

This is how the sliprZ turned out from the chart above. 

The FINISHED top of sliprZ with the BOW TIE icord. 
I ENJOY using the HEEL gusset for increasing
. I LOVE IT!! 

02 July 2012

Eye of Partridge STITCH OPTIONS

On this pair of socks for a friend, I decided to see how many variations I could do with the "eye of partridge" stitch. 
Its a 4 row pattern
== K . SLIP . K . SLIP
== knit across (if in Round!) Purl across if front and back
== SLIP . K . SLIP . K
== knit across (if in Round!) Purl across if front and back
____________ that's it, that's the "pattern".
As usual,  I need to push it and explore ALL the options this stitch offers. 
By using 2 colors I think you can get all the info needed, to make a choice for your special project. 

17 June 2012

test (title)

testing....ground floor.  FIRST time using a BLOG thingy!    just checking it out- dont get to excited just yet....

testing the photo up loader (my lovely drink holder for my iced coffee!)

Ravelry Profile  (<<---- testing "link")

(above testing video upload from YouTube.com)